The Woodlands Endodontics, The Woodlands Texas, Huntsville Endodontics, Huntsville TX.

What is an Endodontist?

Endodontists are dentists who have undergone a minimum additional 2 years postgraduate training in the specialty of doing root canals. Patients can be referred to Endodontists when 1) diagnosing the source of tooth or facial pain is difficult, 2) if the anatomy or location of a tooth makes root canal therapy difficult or 3) if a previously treated tooth is failing and requires retreatment. The two additional years training that Endodontists receive train them in advanced techniques for treating complex cases. A brief description of a small part of the training received in post graduate endodontic programs include: intimate knowledge of the varying anatomy of the root canal systems, different techniques for instrumenting or cleaning the canal systems in teeth, microscopic magnification of the tooth, ultrasonic use for removal of obstructions in the root canal system, advanced irrigation techniques and advanced obturation or filling techniques.

Why would I need a root canal?

Teeth are made up of the crown, part of the tooth seen by looking in the mouth, and the root, part of the tooth under the gums or gingiva.

Inflamed/abscessed Tooth  
The nerve or pulp of the tooth is located deep inside the crown of the tooth. These nerve spaces or canals extend into the root structure. When the crown of a tooth has a crack in it, a deep filling or deep decay present then the nerve tissue of the tooth can become inflamed or abscessed. This can cause cold/heat sensitivity, biting/chewing pain, throbbing pain in the jaws, ear and temple area.
  Healthy Tooth  

What does the Endodontist do to my tooth?

The endodontist will start with a complete examination of the area causing discomfort and make a diagnosis of the tooth or teeth causing the discomfort.

Once the tooth has been identified, the area is anesthesized completely. This is usually done with local anesthesia, the same that is used for general dental visits to do fillings/crowns. Then a rubber dam, or non-latex sheet, is placed over the tooth to isolate it from the oral environment and keep the internal canal spaces clean during treatment. Using the rubber dam is considered standard of care while doing endodontic therapy and root canals should never be performed without it’s use. A small opening is then made through the crown of the tooth into the pulp space. The canals are located, cleaned, shaped and thoroughly irrigated to remove any bacteria and debris. Once cleaned and dried, a filling material called gutta percha is placed with a sealer to seal the canal spaces. Then a permanent or temporary filling may be placed in the access the seal the crown of the tooth.

  Root Canal Treatment  

If I am apprehensive about treatment can I be sedated for my appointment?

Local anesthesia is all that is needed for the lack of sensation in the tooth during treatment. If you are apprehensive, we offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas) which will help relax patients during treatment. This is administered with a mask that covers the nose during treatment. You simply breathe through your nose and we can adjust the amount administered to make you completely relaxed. You may drive yourself to and from your appointment when using nitrous oxide. You will breathe oxygen for the last 5-10 minutes of your visit and will be completely normal once you leave the office. You are not put to sleep, simply made to feel more relaxed.


Is there any further treatment needed after my root canal?

If you have a sound permanent crown on your tooth, we will seal the tooth with a permanent bonding material for you in most cases. If the tooth requires a crown, or a new crown, we will place a temporary filling and instruct you to see your dentist for a new permanent restoration.

  Restored tooth  
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